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Home Bound

At Christmas all roads lead home. So this coming holiday I'll be flying back to the place where my heart belongs. I’ve been spending Christmas for 3 years  alone and this segment of my life is what I regret for. Though I had friends to cheer me up but it's still different when you're with your loved ones sharing about experiences as we do our best to move on with life, especially that another year is about to come.

So  as the year end. I would like to thank my dear friends who celebrate Christmas  with me for the last 3 years. Looking at this old Christmas photos warms my heart  and felt grateful for the experience.  It taught me wonderful things about life. Being away from your family, especially during Christmas, is not that easy but the lessons you learned from the experience are all worth it.

To my wonderful friends..Thank you…Truly great friend are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.  I wish you a meaningful Christmas!

3 days to go and I'm bound home! so excited but not yet done with my Christmas shopping!

Life is good!


  1. It seems to me that you had a wonderful time with your friends.
    I hope you'll also have a wonderful Christmas this year.

  2. @Starlight...I really treasure them and this holiday I'm full of excitement knowing I'll be spending it with my family:)

  3. Wow - sounds like you'll have a fabulous holiday. It's always great to be with the fam!


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