In the decontextualized words of the Biebs “baby, you should go and love yourself” and nothing says loving yourself like going on a solo trip. With my total control and putting down all my fears behind and the value of the phrase “Go for it” I headed off on my first solo trip on the day of my birthday. I could tell you I decided to go away alone, because I wanted an adventure, I was about to burn out and needed a break and why Sagada? Not that I’m bruised ego or broken hearted or wanted to sing where do broken heart goes at the top of my lungs then shout out all my I’ll feelings at the Kiltepan peek. I know that it’s nice to have someone to cuddle with in Sagada’s cold temperature, one degree colder than Baguio, a walk town which is perfect for me ( love.. leisurely walk) . A close weather encounter to my dream destination. All I wanted is to be with nature, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I want to commune with nature and be with myself again. #souls...